Cloud Networking: From Magic Smoke to Black Boxes

Cloud networking was once hailed as the savior of our industry, but security and networking continue to find challenges with managing and scaling. Read more about how organizations are adapting to the black box of cloud networking.

A Tale of Two Conventions: Black Hat and DEF CON 30

Earlier this month, Ron Temske, Nexum’s VP of Strategy, attended the Black Hat USA and DEF CON 30 conventions in Las Vegas. Here is a recap of his experiences, including meaningful takeaways from both and recommendations for attending in the future.

Acronym Series Introduction

Our new Acronym Series hopes to help our readers navigate the acronym-filled waters of IT discussions. Each article will give the acronym, the shortened phrase, a brief definition, and a little information to help you understand it. 

Nexum Summer Summit 2022 Recap

In July, Nexum held our first annual Summer Summit event. It was a wonderful opportunity to get a significant portion of the company together in Chicago to reconnect, learn, and have a lot of fun.

Documentation from Visibility

In Part 4 of our Visibility Series, we’ll wrap things up by discussing why documentation matters and how visibility helps with operations.

Zero Trust Network Access

In our Acronym Series, Nexum’s expert engineers define the industry’s most popular topics. Next up, Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA).

Secure Sockets Layer

In our Acronym Series, Nexum’s expert engineers define the industry’s most popular topics, like Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).

CISO Guide to Ransomware

Our partner Abnormal Security is disrupting the email security market. Receive your free CISO Guide to Ransomware – How It Starts via Email and How to Prevent It.

Prevent Ransomware with SASE

There are three technologies that can help prevent ransomware: Cloud access security broker (CASB), secure web gateway (SWG), and data loss prevention (DLP). These components have converged into a single solution for what has now been coined the secure access service edge (SASE) architecture.

Nexum at Central Ohio ISSA InfoSec Summit

Nexum at Central Ohio ISSA InfoSec Summit Written by: Scott Hammond, Senior Security EngineerConnect with us on LinkedIn Recently several members of Team Nexum attended the 15th annual Central Ohio ISSA InfoSec Summit in rainy Columbus, Ohio. As a well-respected event for security-minded professionals to gather and discuss today’s critical security challenges, it was fantastic […]