AI-Native Now

Join Juniper Networks on June 5th for a LinkedIn Live exclusive discussion on “Leveraging AIOps for Maximum Impact.” 

Wireless LAN Professionals Conference 2024

Allyn Crowe, Senior Security Engineer, attended the Wireless LAN Professionals conference. If you work on wireless networks, you really need to try and get to this conference.

Acronym Series: BiDi

Nexum’s expert engineers define popular topics, such as Bidirectional (BiDi), in our Acronym Series.

Enterprise Logging Best Practices

Each quarter, the managed security team at Nexum shares insights from our first*defense SNOCC. In this post, we decided to share some general logging best practices that are likely to benefit every organization.

Wi-Fi 6 and 6E at a Glance

A free guide highlighting some of the improvements of Wi-Fi 6 over the “last” major version of Wi-Fi: Wi-Fi 5 or 802.11ac, and what Wi-Fi 6E brings to Wi-Fi 6.

Security Operations Guide

MDR and SOC and MSSP and SIEM and EDR and XDR and SOAR, Oh My! This free guide will examine these terms, their meaning, and how they relate to each other.

Open Systems, Open Threats

In this API Security Series, we will review how to use these interfaces, exploit them, and prevent an organization’s name from appearing on the news.

Visibility Matters

Why has visibility become so difficult? Where do you start to build your strategy? We’ll also discuss IoT devices, ASM, and CSPM.